Thursday, August 5, 2010

Here's the Blog

In the last several months, here at Mashpedia we have been very busy and focused extrictly in product development, which for the curious of you this process involves:
  • Thinking
  • Researching
  • Coding / Programming
  • Designing
  • Debugging
  • Testing
  • Learning
  • Optimizing
  • and once again and again...
I know it sounds a little bit boring but it's not! (for us nerds). We are truly enthusiastic about Mashpedia, we feel we're doing an interesting job in a innovative product that improves the way people learn, thus giving a very special meaning to our work. We're enjoying this ride!

We were always aware that we needed to start writing a Blog as a way to communicate what and how we're doing, share resources, tips, links, updates, news and many more things that might be useful for all of you interested in Mashpedia.

A blog is also a great tool to receive valuable feedback from our users so please feel free to write comments, We'll make sure to answer to them as soon as we can.

Note that we are already on Facebook and Twitter, so you can follow us there too.

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