
What is Mashpedia?

Mashpedia is a Multisource Encyclopedia that combines multiple web services, focused on real-time content to provide an up-to-date and integral outlook on every topic. At Mashpedia, you can access the freshest information and multimedia content about almost any subject, person, place or event in near real-time. It integrates data and digital media from Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs, Books, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and further online resources, to create a clearly organized outlook on every topic, thus enabling an engaging and interesting learning experience.

Why use Mashpedia?

  • Get a multi-perspective vision and real-time context for every topic.
  • Eliminate the need to visit different online resurces separately.
  • Access new information each day - even if you are looking at the same article.
  • Visualize multimedia and social-media content related to every topic.
  • Embrace a didactic, intuitive, holistic approach to learning.
  • Discover new, relevant content about your favorite topics and interests.